Saturday, October 17, 2015

{SQT} Linking up for Link-toberfest, Quick Takes about Quick Takes

I've been wanting to get in on Link-toberfest at Kelly's, so now that it is the third week, I've finally sat down to do it.

Since I want in on the party (and prizes), here is a little look at my Quick Takes journey.

1. The funny thing I just remembered reread is that my very first blog post was about how I found Seven Quick Takes. I talked about finding them through Lori (see #2) and really liking Kelly at This Ain't the Lyceum, Grace at Camp Patton, and Dwija at House Unseen.

2. I found Quick Takes through Lori Miller's blog. She doesn't blog anymore, but she was actually the first blogger I read, ever. I found her through Catholic and her post on Freedom from Purses. The post wasn't really about purses, it was about trust and surrender, but it showed me that there are people in the world that were seeking to be good Catholic Christians as I was. I had no idea how many bloggers existed at that time, it was just a small corner of internet I had stumbled upon. And it has been a real support for me to know there are others out there who have the same faith, beliefs, and longings that I do.

3. My first Quick Takes post was on January 26, 2013. I enjoyed reading that again, (and of course it was on my old blog.) I have linked up 16 times, and my most popular post was about our vacation home to Colorado in 2014.

4. This weeks prompt for Link-toberfest is "Who is your favorite blogger you found through Quick Takes?" I mentioned Kelly and Dwija above, but my other favorites (who I at least skim through when I only have a few minutes, and probably keep up more on social media then blogs) are Cari at Clan Donaldson, Colleen at Martin Family Moments, Micaela at California to Korea..., Mary Kate at Why, yes, I AM crazy. Thank you for asking! But the one that I relate to the most and would someday love to meet in real life is Tracy formerly of Making the Trek, but now at Gingerlocity. Actually, I'd love to meet all of these inspiring women in real life some day.

5. There are several other bloggers who I read when I can. Some give me inspiration, some make me laugh, and some are just beautiful people who inspire me as they live out their faith in bold, counter-cultural ways. Take a look at "My Favorite Places to Visit" on the side bar. I'm still working on getting this blog setup to represent me, maybe if I win the prize for a blog consultation from Bonnie, I can make this place look better :) Along with bloggers, in the world of social media there are some really great people to connect with including podcasters. I really enjoy Fountains of Carrots and Building Bridges. (I feel like I have a spiritual connection to Jenna who is the mastermind of Blessed is She.) The truth is that if you seek, you will find. Ahhh, the blessings!

Two Takes left, I think I'll move on to some personal stuff.

6. I took Monday and Tuesday off so that we could take my son to visit Rochester Institute of Technology. He is a senior in high school this year and trying to make decisions on where he wants to attend college. His first choice is Clarkson University, but RIT is a close second. Lets see who wants him more, and can prove it with scholarship money...

7. I started facilitating a Women of Grace Study Group at the beginning of September. I had never attended a WoG group before but really felt that the women in our parishes needed some outlet of spiritual support. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well it is going. There was a great turn-out of participants, which tells me that my instinct was right. I'm very pleased with how it is going and look forward the many weeks we have to spend together as sisters in Christ.  I'd love to hear any feedback or comments on others who have participated in a Women of Grace group before.

Oh and don't forget to go visit all the others for this week's Quick Takes.

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